Annual Report
It is really boring to read yearly activity reports. But please read SHKD's annual report for 2010. You will see what a few good people could achieve in spite of all the indifference and hostility coming from everywhere. The work that was accomplished in a year will make you believe in the possibility of the world to be a better place and will cause you to regain your confidence and respect for mankind.
It has been ten years since the SHKD team started its journey to rescue the 2000 dogs left face to face with starvation when the Hasdal garbage damp was closed. Now it is still continuing its struggle with education and neutering projects implemented in distant cities of Bitlis and Diyerbakır.
We are grateful to SHKD financier and director Robert Smith, Linda Taal the director of Acitezwerfhonden, Mike Coenen from Animal Care Project, dear Marja and Martin Vanderstappen, Petra Poorter from Wereldpootjes and Jeanne Marchig for all their support.
And without the devoted work and endless energy of Vet Murat Bekhan, Vet Nejdet Uğur, Vet Technician Ömer Atış and SHKD workers, none of these could be achieved.
SHKD Board
A- Istanbul- Kemerburgaz:
507 dogs were neutered and released in Kemerburgaz and Hasdal, the district where the SHKD shelter is located.
B- Other Cities:
Joint projects with Dutch Organisation Actiezwerfhonden:
With the financial support of Actiezwerfhonden the stray dogs in the cities below were neutered and the municipality veterinaries were trained about the "keyhole" –small incision- technique which is crucial for healthy neutering of stray animals.
Izmır Sütcüler: 50 dogs were neutered and vaccinated. Three dogs in bad condition were taken to SHKD shelter in Istanbul for further medical treatment and for rehoming.
Bitlis: Upon the invitation of the organisation "A Drop of Life" SHKD team went to Bitlis where 200 dogs were neutered, vaccinated and treated for parasites and released.
Erdek: 106 dogs were neutered, vaccinated, treated for parasites and released.
Diyerbakır: SHKD team went to Diyerbakır to amputate 4 dogs.
Izmir Özdere: 60 dogs were neutered, vaccinated and released. Two dogs who needed further treatment was brought to the SHKD shelter.
Gebze: A private small shelter where all dogs had been neutered in 2009 was visited once more for a follow up and the new comers were neutered.
Adalar: Dog catching teams of the municipality were trained about harmless dog catching.
Lüleburgaz: The team visited Luleburgaz on December 21, 2010 and neutered 103 animals while the municipality vets were given training about "keyhole" -small incision - operation technique.
A- Medical Treatment: 1217 dogs from Kemerburgaz and Hasdal were treated and released.
B- Feeding of animals dumped in the region: Arrangements were made to feed and give water to animals dumped in the surrounding region.
C- Helping animals in the IBB Shelter next door: The volunteers working to help dogs at IBB shelter were given a quota of 15 dogs and an area to put the dogs with the responsibility of rehoming taken by them. 10 dogs with broken legs from IBB shelter were operated.
D- BGD Ambulance project dogs: 10 dogs collected by BGD ambulance and operated by BGD were accepted at the shelter for a permanent stay, some of them were neutered and two of them were rehomed.
F- Rehoming: 50 dogs were rehomed.
A- Education seminar in schools:
In 2009-2010 education year first semester, education seminar about stray animals were given in 17 schools in Istanbul one in Izmir and one in Bitlis.
In 2010-2011 education year first semester, 3 schools in Istanbul and one in Diyerbakir were visited.
Veterinaries in cities of Dmitrograd, Plovdiv, Svelingrad and Haskova in Bulgaria were given training about the "keyhole" technique of neutering operation.
In Sofia, school teachers were given a seminar about how to educate children about stray dogs.
B- Schools visiting the SHKD shelter:
BJK College, Doğa College, Hisar Eğitim Vakfı, Fevziye Mektepleri Vakfı Işık ve Şişli Terakki Liseleri, IICC School for children of expatriates visited the shelter. We continued the project started in 2009 with GOP Special Education Center (for spastic and autistic children) and the school paid another visit to the shelter.