SHKD Forest Shelter
Hasdal Garbage Damp was located at the area where SHKD forest shelter is now. In 1998 the garbage damp was closed and covered with concrete as a result of which 2000 dogs that were living there were face to face with the risk of starving to death. SHKD first came to the place to rescue and to neuter these dogs. At that time when "neutering" was not known as a method of animal protection control, SHKD neutered and made the medical treatment of all the 2000 dogs at the dump and started neutering of dogs in Kemerburgaz district.
SHKD applied to Milli Emlak Administration in order to rent a land of 7000 sq meters, to built a clinic to be used for the implementation of neuter and return in the area. The land was rented for five years and the rent for the first year was paid in advance. But as a result of the continuous attacks and death threats of the person who had already illegally occupied the land, SHKD gave up using the land and cancelled the contract.
Neutering was continued in a container put in the closed Hasdal damp on the side of the forest and in 10 years 20.000 dogs were neutered and released back in the Kemerburgaz area. SHKD also cooperated with municipalities of Besiktas and Bakirkoy and did comprehensive neutering in these districts. SHKD neutering teams also visited several cities in Turkey, such as Göçek, Bitlis, Giresun, Diyerbakır, Erdek to do neutering and to teach local municipality veterinaries about the "key whole" laparoscopic neutering technique.
Now, 2000 dogs, some of them still surviving from the garbage damp times, are looked after by SHKD in the forest shelter.
Semi Open Forest Shelter as an Alternative to the Current Shelter Concept
SHKD Forest Shelter is also a good example of what an open forest shelter should be like. In principle SHKD is against shelters made of kennels which are nothing but death camps for animals. But during the implementation of NR, some animals can't be released back in their territory because of various reasons such as people's opposition or the animal's disability that makes streets dangerous for him etc. Keeping these animals in half open shelters like the SHKD forest shelter is cheaper and healthier than a kennel type shelter. It is more economical since there is less need of periodical cleaning compared to kennel type shelters, and it is healthier because there is less probability of occurrence of contagious disease. It is also a happier life for animals which have enough area to wonder freely around and to hide from each other when they need to.